Monday 17 December 2012

TOP 5 SEO Mistakes

Chances are you've only been doing SEO for less than 6 months. If that's the case, then you'll NEED to know these tips. If you've been around longer than that, you'd better be taking all these into account.

  1. Your domain name should match your keywords and it should be a "catchy" one so that you get people who are interested in your product/information! Like for example, your website talks about animals, you should name it like,, etc.
  2. Your page title (<title> for the HTML geeks) should be naturally descriptive and contain good keywords. This is used in Google searches, so it better make sense!
    Actually, your entire "on-page" SEO needs to be buttoned up. You need lots of keywords worked in naturally. 
  3. Too much and incorrect link building. If you're just starting, start at less than 50 links a day to your site. And choose those sites having high page ranks and relevant with your site's focus. Nowadays you may need to use all the long tail keywords and not just 3 or 4 or your link building will be flagged by Google and make at least 30% of those keywords be"brand" keywords such as your URL or yourweb site name.
  4. Not enough link diversity. You need to get all sorts of links - not just comments or profiles or blog posts. A typical site will get links from all over the place and with all different anchors. You need to follow that. This is specially true after the Google Penguin and Panda updates.
  5. Track your results. Simple in concept but most people don't do it. Tracking what links you build and what the ultimate ranking results are critical in conquering the SERPs repeatedly.

Get on top of these items and you'll notice a dramatic increase in your results in a matter of weeks. And somehow, these tips may be too basic for some of you.

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