Sunday 22 June 2014

Algorithms: Linear Search

Let's get started with the most basic of searching algorithms, the linear search. It basically involves searching a particular element in a linear array of elements by looking at each of its indices.
Let us suppose an array of integers A contain elements 1,3,4,6,2 and the element to be searched be 4. This is done by looking at each index of A ie. A[0], A[1],..,A[n] and checking if the value contained is equal to the search element 6. Here, n is the number of elements in the array.


Let s be the search element
For each element in the array
  if  array element = search element
  Print "element found at" 'array index'


Sample code in C++:

//header files
  int i,s,n,A[10],count=0;
  cout<<"Enter number of elements of array:"; 
  cout<<"Enter elements:";
  for(i=0;i<n;i++)                                              //Getting the array
  cout<<"Enter element to be searched:";           
  cin>>s;                                                         //Search element
    if(A[i]==s)                                                  //Searching
      cout<< "Element found at index"<<i;
 cout<<"Element not found";

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