Saturday 3 November 2012

BLOGGER: Share bar for blogger

Letting people share content on social networking sites is one of the most easy and important ways to build traffic. You would have seen 'share bars' that lets you share posts on multiple social networking sites. Do you want to integrate this bar to your blogger blog? 
Social share bar
The Share bar

This is what you should do:

Go to template designer. 

Add external html widget.
copy and paste the following code:
<span id="st_finder"></span><script type="text/javascript" src=""></script><script type="text/javascript">var switchTo5x=true;stBlogger2.init("", {"facebook":["hcount","Facebook",""],"twitter":["hcount","Tweet",""],"fblike":["hcount","Facebook Like",""],"linkedin":["hcount","LinkedIn",""],"plusone":["hcount","Google +1",""],"email":["hcount","Email",""]} , "0b1a2270-d3c8-463d-b982-cf84eb8114e2");var f = document.getElementById("st_finder");var c = f.parentNode.parentNode.childNodes;for (i=0;i<c.length;i++) { try { c[i].style.display = "none"; } catch (err) {}}</script>
 Now, go ahead.. share this post! :D

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