Friday, 18 January 2013

Awesome CSS3 generators to simplify front end development


css front end development
CSS3 introduced lots of new possibilities in the world of front end web development. This is indeed a great thing, but it can become quite hard to remember all the parameters, especially if you come from a web designer background. Here are a list of 10 awesome CSS3 code generators that will help you to save time and hassle.

CSS3 Generator

css front end development
This generator is definitely one of my favorites, as it allow you to generate more than 10 different CSS3 effects, such as border radius, text shadows, transitions, and more.

CSS Gradient generator

css front end development
CSS gradients are cool, but it’s also a bit tricky to remind all the possibilities. This generator will help you to create a perfect looking CSS gradient with no headache.
Visit CSS Gradient generator

CSS button generator

css front end development
In my opinion, this is the most advanced CSS3 button generator available on the internet. Adjust settings, copy the code, and you’re done!
Visit CSS button generator


css front end development
CSS3Gen is a nice generator which allows you to easily create useful snippets of CSS3 and copy them straight into your projects. CSS3Gen take care of all the vendor prefixes.
Visit CSS3Gen

CSS3 Please

css front end development
CSS3 Please is a very effective tool to test your CSS3 code: Just edit the CSS rules from the editor, and a special container will receive instant changes so you can have a preview of what you’re doing.
Visit CSS3 Please

Layer Styles

css front end development
If you’re familiar with Photoshop, there’s no doubt that you will love Layer Style, a CSS3 generator which replicate the look and feel of the popular software from Adobe.
Visit Layer Styles

Border image generator

css front end development
As you can guess, this tool helps you to create borde images. Simple and efficient!
Visit Border image generator

CSS3 Pie

css front end development
Internet Explorer has been a front-end coder nightmare since 10 years, and unfortunately, it’s not going to end very soon. That said, tools like CSS3 Pie can definitely help when a IE compatible code is needed. This very useful generator makes Internet Explorer 6-9 capable of rendering several of the most useful CSS3 decoration features.
Visit CSS3 Pie

CSS Easing Animation Tool

css front end development
With this tool, every developer now have a simple way to generate CSS easing animations. Vendor prefixes are supported so you don’t have to worry about cross-browser compatibility.
Visit CSS Easing Animation Tool

Font-Face generator

css front end development
Want to use fancy fonts on your website? Simply upload it to Font Squirrel font-face generator, and get your CSS code as well as your font in all formats needed by the different browsers. This tool helped me a lot in the last two years.
Visit Font-Face generator

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