As you probably noticed over the past couple of years there was a lot of change and innovation on the web/cloud hosting space. Amazon is one of the most popular examples, with its S3 plataform, but many companies followed close behind.
One that impressed me so far is Google.
Their Cloud Storage platform looks very competitive and cost effective, to the point that I am considering to start using it for my future projects. For instance, one thing you could do is to host your WordPress site there.
The main WordPress files would still be on your own hosting account, but all your data, even images, could be stored on Google’s services, which probably would improve the access speed and the reliability. Check out this post on Google’s Developers Blog explaining how you can do it.
Another very interesting service they are offering is called Google App Engine. It allows you to develop and host your entire web application on Google’s infrastructure, using either Java, Python or Go. The service is also free initially, and only when your reach a certain consumption quote you start getting charged for it.
Finally, if the main aspect of your website/application is a database (as is often the case), check out Google Cloud SQL. Again it allows you to host your MySQL database on Google’s infrastructure, increasing the speed, reliability and security.
It’s a nice time to be a web developer, huh?
This article originally appeared on
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